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Healthcare Quality Forum
Where global Healthcare & Quality professionals meet

QAI connects professionals

The ultimate goal is to get Healthcare Leaders and Quality professionals around the globe connected.  QAI is creating this network to link associates.   We believe that together we can do not only more but much better.   Membership is  now open.   Please click Here to apply for membership.

Job Fair

This is where Employers will meet the best candidates for their needs from Human Capital.  QAI will arrange for opportunities  to organizations to find  certified healthcare professionals to fill the vacancies.  Assistance will be provided for head hunting, recruitment, and Placement. 

We Care, we Share

This is an interactive platform that is created by QAI.  Sharing your experience, stories, questions, problems and solutions will be our business. It is live learning experience.  Incentives and Credits will be given to Best Practice.  We will share through this platform the latest updates and news world wide in healthcare quality in search for excellence

Leadership Club

Leaders have keys to success.  They need special talk.  QAI is organizing Leadership Club to be  the private place for Healthcare leaders where they can talk, exchange ideas, share information and build relationships.  Together, they will shape the future of Healthcare Industry.

Let us Meet

QAI will bring HQF members together once a month in a virtual conference to discuss in depth the topics that has been shared during the previous month.  QAI experts will Lead the sessions.  QHF members will present and discuss the topics.  Online participation will be open globally.  Recordings will be available in the Knowledge Library

QAI Annual Summit

In March of Every year Healthcare and Quality professionals will meet for three days in person at  

QAI Annual Summit


Sharm El Sheik

Where they will draft the Agenda for the Future of Healthcare

QAI will bring to this Summit world class speakers to address the adience with latest in all aspects of Healthcare Quality, Safety, High Reliability and Excellence


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