Radiation Safety
QAI is a premier service provider of Radiation Safety (RS)/Health Physics ( HP) consultations and Medical Physics (MP) compliance testing for both X-ray producing units and other radiation equipment
QAI Radiation Safety Qualified Expert (QE), consultants and specialists have a broad scope and tens of years of experience to provide timely and effective radiation safety support for the safe use and remediation of radiation practices at medical healthcare facilities and others practices.
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Radiation Safety Assessment (SA)of radiation sources and facilities
The SA is mandatory by regulations for as an important part of the radiation protection program and license application, it identifies the sources of routine and reasonably foreseeable potential exposures; provides a realistic estimate of the resulting Doses and their probabilities and identifies the resulting radiological protection measures that are needed.
The Safety Assessment shall be proportionate to the complexity and radiation risks of the Licensee’s Activities and may be generic.